Sunday 20 January 2008

Summer's End Part 2

For the first instalment, click here

"Do you think they've noticed we're gone yet?"
The older brother, Josiah, didn't reply, instead he peered across the lake, trying to discern any movement on the jetty at the other side.
"Can you see anything?"
"Not yet, Si. We're early, though."
A sudden splash off to their left punctuated the hum of the woodland. As Simon put the kayak between himself and the noise, Josiah moved to inspect the rippling surface.
Nothing. A bird must have dropped its supper, he assumed.
He trotted back to his brother, settled down on the kayak drawing a pen knife from his pocket and began to carve his name into the peeling boat belly.
"What's that?"
Josiah looked to where his brother was pointing, to the jetty across the water. The faintest stirrings of a grin appeared on his face.
"They're coming."

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