Tuesday 12 February 2008

The Fast Show

So it's lent, and whilst most people are busy coping with their withdrawal symptoms from chocolate or alcohol or crack, I like to take the time to think about the true meaning of lent.
The forty days of lent represent the time immediately following His baptism that Jesus spent fasting in the desert where he endured temptation by Satan.
To synopsise:
  • Jesus is baptised by a guy who eats locusts
  • He spends a long time in an inhospitable region
  • He endures trials from Satan
  • In the end he is put to the public vote
Now, I don't know about you but this sounds familiar to me.

The story features a man who eats insects...

...it features an inhospitable region, where Jesus is put through trials by Satan...

...and it all ends in a public vote.

I think ITV should acknowledge their plagiarism and bring us a one off special: I'm A Deity Get Me Out Of Here!

My money's on Buddha.

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