Sunday 10 February 2008

Summer's End Part 5

Previous instalments.

The brothers sat in silence as the boat ploughed through the black water, the only noise of the night coming from the languid oaring of the two brutes flanking Mr Angelus. Josiah was not scared but he was worried. Had he done the right thing? He looked at his younger brother, he still thought of him as a baby although he had long since left the crib. He sat there confused and sniffing, although completely trusting his big brother.
"You're shivering, young Simon. Are you cold?"
Simon did not meet Mr Angelus' empty glare.
"Rubens, pass the coat."
The manservant did as he was told.
"There, young man, put this on. Button it right up to the top."
Simon's numb fingers struggled as he fastened all the buttons.
"Th-this jacket is very heavy, sir."
"Yes, it is a special coat. I have sewn several large rocks into its lining."
"Rocks? But..."
"We cannot take any chances, Simon..." Angelus pounced with a speed and agility belying his frame and his sensory handicap. Josiah tried to stop him but he was too slow. With one lightning swoop he had bowled the boy up and over the side, Simon flailing into the arctic lake with a sickening splash.

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